Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Ok! Updating about the days which I didnt blog because this few days I went out and did alot of interesting things. Haha! Ok! So lets start from yesterday! Haha!

Saying that I wanna go to ECP on Sun and Mon I went together with Wee Meng and Chun How. Haha! They called me suddenly to tell me that they wanna go there to fish! Haha! Of course I wanna go, ECP lehz, my Favourite Hideout some more I didnt fish before of course was have a taste of holding the fishing rot and swing it. Haha!

Before meeting them I went to NP to pass them my confirmation slip. Haha! I did one stupid things. Haha! I took the wrong bus and by right I should meet them at Clementi and end up at Buona Vista. Haha! Then went they are on the way to Buona Vista, Chun How gave me a call and I thought they reached so I hopped on to the train and notice that they just leave JE. Haha! Then I alighted at Commonwealth and waited for them. Haha! Stupid right. Somethings not right with my brain. Haha!

Reached ECP, we rented 4 hours bicycles and then cycle to the jetty to fish. Haha! Second stupid things we did. Haha! All the people there fished with something that the fish likes to eat, but we fished with bread and we didnt even caught one fish. Haha! Reached there at 3 but at 4.30 we leave the jetty because we can really fish nothing. Haha! Funny right? Haha! Let people see our bait also pai seh. Haha!

Then Cycle around and took 2 photos of Wee Meng and Me daring stunts. Haha! Climbing up onto stupid new structure there. Haha! Climb up was easy but when coming down I'm shivering and we actually did that for the sake of fun. Haha! Will post the photo if I got time. Haha! Then after that cycle to places where we usually dont go. Haha! Then saw cats mating. Haha! When they are in the process of mating, the female suddenly purred out loud that we quickly hop onto the bike and cycle away fast. Haha! So scared when the stupid cat came attacking us (Wee Meng was disturbing them of course). Haha!

Then after that because we have plenty of times, we cycle around and when ch and wm spotted pretty girls (back view), we went cycle forward to the girls and take a look. Haha! Overall, doing stupid stuffs. Haha! After that have dinner and take 196 back to clementi and went we are in the bus, we played poker cards. Haha! Super enjoying ourselves. Haha! That day was so fun that I forgot every single doubts and problem of mine. Haha! The both of them really made my day. Haha!

Went to work. Haha! Well, not much things to say about today. Haha! Went to work and started screwing stuffs and carring heavy metal and this and that. Then got cut by metal, abrasion by the power hand drill and muscle ache here and there. Haha! Althought tired but it's fun screwing it. Haha! Told Chong and he said I'm insane. Haha!

Then after that went to JP after work to buy water bottles, bag and dinner. Haha! Spending so much money in a day. Going to broke soon. Haha! $200 left with $70 in 2 weeks! Haha! Well, will earn back de. Haha! Reached home, notice that Mum cooked my dinner and I help to finished it too. Haha! Meaning once again, I have 2 dinner in a day. Haha! Feeling so full now. Haha! Ok lahz! Gotta go. Going to watch the series before going to sleep. Haha! See ya! Nitez!

*Take care of yourself lehz! Must drink ALOT ALOT of water and dont eat KFC again! Haha! VERY THE HEATY lehz! Haha! Recover soon ya!

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